Donations For GAM’s Thrift Store Storage Project

Thrift Store Storage Project - Transportation Donations
[dntplgn recurring_amt1="15" recurring_amt2="30" recurring_amt3="50" item_name="CONTRIBUTE TO GAM"]
Personal Info

Billing Details

In order to make an offline donation we ask that you please follow these instructions:

  1. Make a check payable to "GARNER AREA MINISTRIES"
  2. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for "GARNER AREA MINISTRIES"
  3. Please mail your check to:

Garner Area Ministries
111 Not A Real St.
Anytown, CA 12345

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.

Donation Total: $5.00

$1,621 of $2,500 raised

Donations are being accepted for our thrift store storage project.  This project consists of moving and hauling large items to storage where it can be stored safely and securely until we can sell it or use it.  We may also store certain donated items like furniture for clients who need assistance in the home.  Our goal is to raise enough funds to afford a used vehicle like a truck with enough space to allow for easy hauling and loading and unloading.  We have estimated a truck to cost between $1500-$2500.

Personal Info

Billing Details

In order to make an offline donation we ask that you please follow these instructions:

  1. Make a check payable to "GARNER AREA MINISTRIES"
  2. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for "GARNER AREA MINISTRIES"
  3. Please mail your check to:

Garner Area Ministries
111 Not A Real St.
Anytown, CA 12345

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.

Donation Total: $1.00